You have landed on this post because you are seeking an answer to the question: does the SNES classic play cartridges? We have the answer for you within this post.
Even thought there appears to be a cartridge slot on the top of the console, it’s only for sore, you can’t actually insert a physical game cart into the slot.
On the plus side, the Super Nintendo classic mini does come with 21 pre-installed gems to get you started, including some of the greatest multiplayer games the system has to offer. You might be thinking to yourself: “only 21 games?” Well, there’s a way to add even more via online tutorials.
The question does the SNES classic play cartridges is probably something a lot of retro gamers ask often, so we thought it was important to create a post about it.
It would have been an extra bonus if Nintendo had included a cartridge slot on the Super Nintendo classic mini, because I can imagine there are stacks of carts collecting dust in a lot of peoples attics all over the world that should be put to good use.
On a closing note, you could always pick up an original Super Nintendo console for that very purpose.