Looking for some useful Double Dragon 3 Nes cheats and Game Genie codes? Then look no further because we have a ton of stuff right here for you such as extra energy and power moves.
During gameplay press and hold down the Start button then press A + B to warp to the next stage. This is a great little cheat to reach the final stage of the game without much effort.
Make sure you have access to one of Codemasters’ brilliant Game Genie cheat devices to use the following Double Dragon 3 codes.
Protection for Bill, Jimmy and Chin – SZUUPAAX
Extra energy for Billy and Jimmy – GVEPXGGI
Extra energy for Ranzou – GVEOXKZG
Lower energy for Billy and Jimmy – ZXEPXGGS
Lower energy for Ranzou – IXEOXKZG
Lower energy for Chin – ZUEONGGT
Begin with 20 special weapons for BIlly, Jimmy and Chin – GOOPKGIA
Begin with 40 special weapons for Billy, Jimmy and Chin – AXOPKGIE
Begin with 40 special weapons for Ranzou – AXOONGGO
Extra powerful punches, weapons, and high kick. – OZVLGASX
Unlimited special weapons for everyone – AAELIGPA + GZXUPUVS
Don’t already own a Game Genie device for the Nintendo Entertainment System? In that case, you can often find them often listed on eBay or Amazon for a responsible price.
We are sure all the cheats listed in this article will be super handy for gamers who need an extra advantage beating Double Dragon 3 on the Nintendo Nes.
Are you a big fan of the Double Dragon series? Let us know down in the comments section.
Stuck on other retro and modern games? Then why not check out our Video Game section for more helpful Game Genie codes and super cheats?