The upcoming remake of The Blob, written and directed by David Bruckner (Hellraiser), will be honor the practical effects of the earlier films, confirmed the films producer in a recent interview.
Producer Keith Levine spoke with the folks over at website this week, where he revealed the following information about the new film and more:
“Well, I personally am very excited about – because another one of these ‘my parents are out movies’ that I’m watching at a young age is The Blob – which we’re doing at Warner Brothers, also with David Bruckner … The Chuck Russell movie just, as a kid, it f*cked me up big time.”
Levine also briefly spoke on the planned practical effects work for The Blob remake:
“So very excited to dive into that world and honor the practical effects, the tactile feel of it. We’re just excited about all the possibilities there.”
Are you excited by Levine’s latest comments? What are you hoping to see in the film from the practical effects department? Drop a comment down in the community section below to let us know your thoughts.
For the full interview, be sure to check out the direct link above to the CB website.